Tuesday, August 31, 2010

protect usb flash drive with password

Flash as a storage medium that is widely used in everyday life, where many files that you use in your day today, and store in flash so if you need when you can wear anytime, ease of this flash is likely to have a weakness for example, the security of your filesfrom theft by others who only lived copying and pasting from your file,
hence in this article I will give you tips on how you can give a password on your flashdisk
, you can optimize to the security of your flash files from theft, as for the step following steps:

1. you please open the Notepad program, how to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> Notepad

2. And please copy and paste this script in notepad

on error goto 0
dim s, quest, sd, m, winpath, fs
set sd = createobject ("Wscript.shell")
set fs = createobject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set winpath = fs.getspecialfolder (0)
set s = wscript.createobject ("wscript.shell")
do while quest = ""
quest = InputBox ("Enter a PASSWORD, If you enter the wrong password, the computer will automatically shutdown.", "http://www.linksolusi.com")
if quest = "" then
m = MsgBox ("Sorry you do not have the password ...!", 0 +0 +48," http://linksolusi.com ")
end if
if quest = "Enter password" then
s.run "shutdown-a"
sd.run winpath & "\ explorer.exe / e, / select," & Wscript.ScriptFullname
s.run "shutdown-s-t 0"
end if

3. Write your password in the "Enter Password", and be careful in the use of capital and lowercase letters as well
4. saved by selecting the option all file types, and name it "passwordfd.vbs" (without quotes)
5. Autorun you must create the file, then a new Notepad ,you please copy and paste this Script

ShellExecute = wscript.exe passwordlock.vbs
action = flash was used passwords

In the action script above can be changed in accordance with your wishes
Save the file by choosing the type of all files, give the name "autorun.inf" (without quotes)

6. please enter the two files autorun.inf and passwordfd.vbs to your usb flash drive.
After that make sure that both files are in a state of hidden, by right-clicking on each passwordfd.vbs autorun.inf and then select Properties check box that appears on the sign hidden.
Thus the explanation protect usb flash drive with password


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